Results for Technology

The Consequences of AI on Human Life: Navigating the Path to an Automated Future

Thursday, June 22, 2023

 Discover the consequences of AI on human life, from workforce transformation and ethical dilemmas to privacy challenges and socioeconomic impacts. Explore the challenges and opportunities that arise as we navigate the path to an automated future.

Consequences of AI on Human Life


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the world we live in, transforming various aspects of our lives. From personalized recommendations on streaming platforms to self-driving cars and advanced medical diagnostics, AI has shown tremendous potential. However, as this technology continues to advance, it also brings forth a myriad of consequences that necessitate our attention and thoughtful consideration. In this article, we delve into the implications and consequences of AI on human life and explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

1. Transforming the Workforce

One of the most profound consequences of AI lies in its impact on the workforce. Automation powered by AI has the potential to replace certain job roles, leading to concerns about unemployment and economic disparity. As machines become increasingly capable of performing routine tasks, humans must adapt and acquire new skills to remain relevant in the job market. Governments, organizations, and educational institutions play a crucial role in reskilling and upskilling individuals to thrive in an AI-driven economy.

READ MORE: Unleashing Your Inner Potential: Embracing Change for Personal Growth and Success

2. Ethical Dilemmas and Bias

AI systems learn from vast amounts of data, which can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the training data. This raises ethical concerns when AI is used in critical domains such as healthcare, criminal justice, and finance. Fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI algorithms are essential to ensure that the decisions made by AI systems are unbiased and just. Developing ethical frameworks and regulations that guide the deployment of AI becomes paramount in order to prevent discrimination and ensure the technology benefits all of humanity.

Consequences of AI on Human Life

3. Privacy and Security Challenges

The widespread adoption of AI has resulted in an unprecedented collection and analysis of personal data. While this data can lead to valuable insights and improved services, it also raises significant privacy concerns. Striking a balance between utilizing data for societal benefit and safeguarding individual privacy becomes crucial. Strong data protection regulations and robust security measures are imperative to prevent misuse, unauthorized access, and data breaches that could have far-reaching consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

4. Human-AI Collaboration

Rather than perceiving AI as a threat, it is important to recognize its potential to augment human capabilities. Human-AI collaboration has the power to revolutionize fields such as healthcare, scientific research, and creative endeavors. By leveraging AI as a tool for analysis, decision-making, and innovation, humans can focus on higher-level tasks that require empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. Effective collaboration between humans and AI can lead to enhanced problem-solving and productivity, ultimately improving the overall quality of life.

Consequences of AI on Human Life

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5. Impact on Socioeconomic Dynamics

The consequences of AI extend beyond the individual level and impact socioeconomic dynamics on a broader scale. The deployment of AI systems can exacerbate existing social inequalities if access to AI technologies and the skills required to operate them are concentrated in the hands of a few. Addressing the digital divide, ensuring equitable access to AI, and fostering inclusive AI development are vital to prevent further marginalization and promote a more just and balanced society.

Consequences of AI on Human Life


The consequences of AI on human life are both transformative and far-reaching. As we embrace this technology, it is crucial to address the challenges it presents, such as workforce displacement, ethical dilemmas, privacy concerns, and socioeconomic disparities. By actively engaging in discussions, establishing ethical frameworks, and developing responsible AI practices, we can harness the benefits of AI while minimizing its potential negative impacts. Striking a delicate balance between human and AI collaboration is key to shaping an automated future that enhances human potential and improves the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

The Consequences of AI on Human Life: Navigating the Path to an Automated Future The Consequences of AI on Human Life: Navigating the Path to an Automated Future Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Thursday, June 22, 2023 Rating: 5

SAMSUNG का 657 लीटर और 21.5 इंच डिस्प्ले वाला फ्रिज स्पेशल लॉन्च, जानिए कीमत और फीचर्स

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
नई दिल्ली, टेक डेस्क। दक्षिण कोरियाई टेक कंपनी सैमसंग ने सोमवार को एक अनोखा फ्रिज लॉन्च किया है। कंपनी का स्पेसमैक्स फैमिली हब रेफ्रिजरेटर 657 लीटर की बड़ी क्षमता के साथ आएगा। यह फ्रिज फ्लिपकार्ट, सैमसंग.कॉम और अन्य ऑनलाइन स्टोर पर 1,96,990 रुपये में प्री-बुकिंग के लिए उपलब्ध है।

13 से 26 जुलाई तक उपलब्ध है। फ्रिज की प्री-बुकिंग करने वाले ग्राहकों को 9000 रुपये का कैशबैक और गैलेक्सी नोट 10 लाइट को 37,900 रुपये में मुफ्त में खरीदने का मौका मिलेगा। हालांकि, शुरुआती पेशकश के बाद, स्पेसमैक्सफैमिली हब फ्रिज 2.19 लाख रुपये में बिक्री के लिए उपलब्ध होगा। स्पेसमैक्स फैमिली हब फ्रिज डिजिटल इन्वर्टर प्रौद्योगिकी संपीड़न पर 10 साल की वारंटी के साथ आता है।

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नया मेडिकल रोबोट COVID-19 नाक स्वाब परीक्षण करता है | New medical robot COVID-19 tests nasal swab

नया स्पेसमैक्स फैमिली हबटीएम फ्रिज ऑटोमेटिक मील प्लानिंग फीचर के साथ आएगा। मतलब आपका फ्रिज फोन से कनेक्ट हो जाएगा और आप कहीं से भी यह जान पाएंगे कि आपके फ्रिज में क्या रखा है और उसी के अनुसार आप घर के खाने के बारे में प्लान कर पाएंगे। साथ ही, फ्रिज के दरवाजे पर 21.5 इंच की फुल एचडी टच स्क्रीन उपलब्ध होगी, जिस पर आप रसोई में काम करते हुए अपने पसंदीदा टीवी शो और फिल्में देख पाएंगे। फ्रिज एक गैर-मनोरंजन पैक के साथ 25W स्पीकर के साथ आएगा। टच स्क्रीन की मदद से फ्रिज बिना दरवाजा खोले ही चल सकेगा। फ्रिज को बिक्सबी वॉयस कंट्रोल दिया गया था। कंपनी के अनुसार, नए स्पेसमैक्स फैमिली हबटीएम रेफ्रिजरेटर में, बिना किसी बाहरी आयाम के रेफ्रिजरेटर के अंदर अधिक आइटम संग्रहीत किए जा सकते हैं।

सैमसंग का नया फ्रिज इंटरनेट ऑफ थिंग्स (IoT) इकोसिस्टम का समर्थन करेगा। इसका मतलब यह है कि रेफ्रिजरेटर IoT की मदद से विंडफ्री एसी को फ्लेक्स वॉश वॉशिंग मशीन की तरह स्मार्टफोन से जोड़ा जाएगा। सैमसंग ने हाल ही में अपने IOT उत्पाद पोर्टफोलियो को विस्तारित वाशिंग मशीन से लेकर स्मार्टफोन की लंबी रेंज की पेशकश के लिए विस्तारित किया। सैमसंग ने वर्ष 2018 में भारत में फैमिली हब 3.0 रेफ्रिजरेटर पेश किया। यह फ्रिज ट्रिपल कूलिंग सुविधा के साथ आता था।


Samsung's 657 liter and 21.5 inch display fridge special launch, know the price and features

New Delhi, Tech Desk. South Korean tech company Samsung has launched a unique refrigerator on Monday. The company's SpaceMax Family Hub refrigerator will come with a larger capacity of 657 liters. This refrigerator is available for pre-booking at Flipkart, and other online stores for Rs 1,96,990.

Available from 13 to 26 July. Customers pre-booking the fridge will have a cashback of Rs 9000 and a chance to get the Galaxy Note 10 lite priced at Rs 37,900 for free. However, after the initial offer, the SpaceMaxFamily Hub fridge will be available for sale for Rs 2.19 lakh. The SpaceMax Family Hub fridge comes with a 10-year warranty on digital inverter technology compression.

The new SpaceMax Family HubTM fridge will come with the Automate meal planning feature. Meaning your fridge will be connected to the phone and you will be able to know from anywhere what is kept in your fridge and according to that you will be able to plan about the food of the house. Also, 21.5 inch full HD touch screen will be available at the door of the fridge, on which you will be able to watch your favorite TV shows and movies while working in the kitchen. The fridge will come with a non-entertainment pack with a 25W speaker. With the help of a touch screen, the fridge will be able to run without opening the door. The fridge was given Bixby voice control. According to the company, in the new SpaceMax Family HubTM refrigerator, more items can be stored inside the refrigerator without any external dimension.

Samsung's new fridge will support the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. This means that with the help of refrigerator IoT, the windfree AC will be connected to the smartphone like a flex wash washing machine. Samsung recently expanded its Iot product portfolio to offer a long range of smartphones ranging from connected washing machines. Samsung introduced the Family Hub 3.0 refrigerator in India in the year 2018. This fridge used to come with triple cooling facility.
SAMSUNG का 657 लीटर और 21.5 इंच डिस्प्ले वाला फ्रिज स्पेशल लॉन्च, जानिए कीमत और फीचर्स SAMSUNG का 657 लीटर और 21.5 इंच डिस्प्ले वाला फ्रिज स्पेशल लॉन्च, जानिए कीमत और फीचर्स Reviewed by Surya Prakash Shah on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Rating: 5

नया मेडिकल रोबोट COVID-19 नाक स्वाब परीक्षण करता है | New medical robot COVID-19 tests nasal swab

Saturday, July 04, 2020
यह कोई रहस्य नहीं है कि COVID-19 के लिए परीक्षण की प्रक्रिया सुखद नहीं है। मरीजों को तब भी बैठना चाहिए, जब तक कोई चिकित्सा कर्मी अपनी नाक से एक लंबी सूती पट्टी चुरा लेता है, जहां तक   वह जा सकता है। अब, शोधकर्ताओं के एक दल ने अप्रिय कार्य को स्वचालित करने में मदद करने के लिए एक रोबोट बनाया है।

Image: KIMM

बेशक, प्रक्रिया भी भयानक लग रही है।

शोधकर्ताओं को उम्मीद है कि ऑप्टिक्स के बावजूद, उनका रोबोट COVID-19 परीक्षण प्रक्रिया का एक उपयोगी हिस्सा बन जाएगा। चिकित्साकर्मियों को दूर से परीक्षण करने देने से, यह वायरस के संपर्क में आने के जोखिम को कम करता है।


नई COVID-19 टेस्टिंग बॉट कोरिया इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मशीनरी एंड मैटेरियल्स (KIMM) से आती है। यह आंख के डॉक्टर को मिले एक गर्भनिरोधक की तरह रोगी के चेहरे के खिलाफ खुद को ब्रेस करता है। जगह में रोगी के साथ, एक तकनीशियन दूसरे कमरे से या बाधा के पीछे से रोबोट को नियंत्रित करता है।

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"इस तकनीक से नमूने सीधे संपर्क के बिना भी उच्च जोखिम वाले रोगों के लक्षणों को प्रस्तुत करने वाले व्यक्तियों से प्राप्त किए जा सकते हैं," किम के डॉ। जूनो सेओ का कहना है।

वह कहते हैं, "मुझे उम्मीद है कि यह COVID-19 जैसी उच्च जोखिम वाली बीमारियों की जांच में उपयोगी होगा, और आशा है कि यह महामारी और महामारी के दौरान चिकित्सा कर्मियों की सुरक्षा और कल्याण में योगदान देगा।"

परीक्षण प्रक्रिया के दौरान, तकनीशियन अपने दृष्टिकोण का मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए एक लाइव वीडियो फीड देखने में सक्षम है। इसमें रोगी और ऑपरेटर के बीच आसान संचार के लिए वीडियो और ऑडियो लिंक भी हैं।

सबसे प्रभावशाली विशेषताओं में से एक बल प्रतिक्रिया है। यह तकनीशियन को "महसूस" करने की अनुमति देता है कि वे क्या कर रहे हैं। यह सुनिश्चित करने में मदद करता है कि मरीज को चोट लगने के खतरे को कम करते हुए स्वैप सही जगह पर पहुंचे।

अस्पताल स्वचालन

यद्यपि यह भविष्य में प्रतीत हो सकता है, यह चिकित्सा सेटिंग में उपयोग किए जा रहे रोबोट के पहले उदाहरण से बहुत दूर है। वास्तव में, नाक की अदला-बदली वाला रोबोट सिर्फ बॉट्स की लंबी लाइन में नवीनतम है जो अस्पतालों को अधिक कुशलतापूर्वक और सुरक्षित रूप से चलाने में मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। COVID-19 महामारी के दौरान, विशेष रूप से, लोग रोबोट का उपयोग करके स्टाफ के सदस्यों को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए नए तरीके खोज रहे हैं।

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उदाहरण के लिए, बोस्टन डायनेमिक्स 'स्पॉट रोबोट का इस्तेमाल बोस्टन अस्पताल में मरीजों को मदद करने के लिए किया गया है। स्वचालित चतुर्भुज संचार उपकरण ले जाता है, जिससे चिकित्सकों और अन्य स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ताओं को दूर से रोगियों के साथ बातचीत करने की अनुमति मिलती है।

इस बीच, रटगर्स विश्वविद्यालय से एक एआई-संचालित रोबोट IVs सम्मिलित करने और अपने आप पर रक्त के नमूने खींचने में सक्षम है। यह अनुमान के बिना प्रक्रिया को पूरा करने के लिए अल्ट्रासाउंड इमेजिंग, कृत्रिम बुद्धि और रोबोट स्थिरीकरण का उपयोग करता है।

जैसा कि अस्पताल वायरस के प्रसार को रोकने और रोकने के लिए सख्त मुलाकातों की सीमा को लागू करना जारी रखते हैं, अन्य रोबोटों को पृथक रोगियों के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल करने का काम सौंपा जाता है। एआई द्वारा संचालित, पारो रोबोट बेबी वीप सील की तरह दिखता है। यह मरीजों के साथ बातचीत करता है ताकि उनकी आत्माएं शांत रहें अन्यथा अस्पताल में अकेला रहता है।

हालांकि कुछ का तर्क है कि स्वास्थ्य सेवा के साथ रोबोट को शामिल करना क्षेत्र को अमानवीय बनाता है, इसके विपरीत सच है। यदि रोबोट कुछ क्षेत्रों में बेहतर या सुरक्षित देखभाल प्रदान करने में सक्षम हैं, तो उन्हें अपनी पूरी क्षमता से उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए। यह मानव स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ताओं को अपने रोगियों के लिए समग्र देखभाल प्रदान करने के लिए अधिक समय देता है।

जैसे-जैसे दुनिया COVID-19 महामारी की लड़ाई जारी रखती है, इस तरह की नाक बॉटिंग बॉट जैसे नवाचार टेक और दवा के चौराहे पर होने वाले लाभों को प्रदर्शित करते हैं।

बेशक, अगर आप एक रोबोट नहीं चाहते हैं कि आपकी नाक पर एक कपास की ढाल हो, तो आप हमेशा सार्वजनिक रूप से बाहर जाने पर मास्क लगा सकते हैं।


It is no secret that the testing process for COVID-19 is not pleasant. Patients should still sit until a medical worker steals a long cotton bandage from their nose as far as they can go. Now, a team of researchers has created a robot to help automate unpleasant tasks.

Image: KIMM

Of course, the process also looks terrible.

The researchers hope that despite the optics, their robot COVID-19 will become a useful part of the testing process. By allowing medical personnel to test remotely, this reduces the risk of exposure to the virus.


The new COVID-19 testing bot comes from the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). It braces itself against the patient's face like a contraceptive found by an eye doctor. With the patient in place, a technician controls the robot from another room or from behind a barrier.

"Samples from this technique can be obtained from individuals presenting symptoms of high-risk diseases even without direct contact," Kim's Dr. Juno Seo says.

He says, "I hope it wilDre useful in the investigation of high-risk diseases such as COVID-19, and hopes that it will contribute to the safety and well-being of medical personnel during epidemics and epidemics."

During the testing process, the technician is able to watch a live video feed to guide their approach. It also has video and audio links for easy communication between the patient and the operator.

One of the most influential characteristics is force feedback. This allows the technician to "feel" what they are doing. This helps ensure that the swap arrives at the correct place while reducing the risk of injury to the patient.

Hospital automation

Although this may seem futuristic, it is far from the first example of robots being used in a medical setting. In fact, the nose-swapping robot is just the latest in a long line of bots designed to help hospitals run more efficiently and safely. During the COVID-19 epidemic, in particular, people are finding new ways to keep staff members safe using robots.

For example, Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot has been used to help patients at Boston Hospital. The automated quadrilateral carries communication equipment, allowing physicians and other health workers to interact with patients from afar.

Meanwhile, an AI-powered robot from Rutgers University is able to insert IVs and draw blood samples on its own. It uses ultrasound imaging, artificial intelligence, and robotic stabilization to complete the process without estimation.

As hospitals continue to enforce strict visitation limits to try and prevent the spread of the virus, other robots are tasked with caring for the mental health of isolated patients. Powered by AI, Paro looks like a robot baby vape seal. It interacts with patients so that their spirits remain calm otherwise alone in the hospital.

Although some argue that the inclusion of robots with healthcare makes the region inhumane, the opposite is true. If robots are capable of providing better or safer care in certain areas, they should be used to their full potential. This gives human health workers more time to provide holistic care for their patients.

As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, innovations such as nose botting bots demonstrate the benefits at the intersection of tech and medicine.

Of course, if you don't want a robot to have a cotton shield on your nose, you can always apply a mask when going out in public.

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नया मेडिकल रोबोट COVID-19 नाक स्वाब परीक्षण करता है | New medical robot COVID-19 tests nasal swab नया मेडिकल रोबोट COVID-19 नाक स्वाब परीक्षण करता है | New medical robot COVID-19 tests nasal swab Reviewed by Surya Prakash Shah on Saturday, July 04, 2020 Rating: 5

भारत ने अधिक SPICE-2000 बम खरीदने की योजना बनाई, बढ़ी चीन की मुसीबतें।

Friday, July 03, 2020
नई दिल्ली [भारत], 30 जून (एएनआई): जमीनी ठिकानों पर मार करने की अपनी क्षमता को और मजबूत करने की मांग करते हुए, भारत स्पाइस -2000 बमों के घातक और अधिक सक्षम संस्करण को हासिल करने की योजना बना रहा है।

पिछले साल खैबर पख्तूनख्वा प्रांत के बालाकोट शहर में पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादी शिविर को नष्ट करने के लिए प्रभावी ढंग से इस्तेमाल किए गए बमों को वायु सेना द्वारा अधिग्रहण के लिए दी जाने वाली आपातकालीन वित्तीय शक्तियों के हिस्से के रूप में एक पंक्ति के बीच में देने की योजना है। चीन।
सरकारी सूत्रों ने एएनआई को बताया, "भारतीय वायु सेना के पास पहले से ही स्पाइस -2000 बम हैं। यह अब स्पाइस -2000 बमों जैसे आपातकालीन खरीद शक्तियों के तहत अधिक स्टैंड-ऑफ हथियार हासिल करने की योजना बना रहा है।"
स्पाइस -2000 बम 70 किलोमीटर तक लक्ष्य को मार सकता है और बल में शामिल किए गए नए संस्करण भी बंकरों और कठोर आश्रयों को नष्ट कर सकते हैं, उन्होंने कहा।
बालाकोट हवाई पट्टी में प्रयुक्त संस्करण कठोर आश्रयों और इमारतों में घुस सकता है और अंदर विनाश का कारण बन सकता है।
आपातकालीन शक्तियों के तहत, नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार ने रक्षा बलों को वित्तीय शक्ति प्रदान की है जिसके तहत वे 500 करोड़ रुपये के तहत किसी भी हथियार प्रणाली को खरीद सकते हैं।
इस आपातकालीन शक्ति को पूर्वी लद्दाख की गैलवान घाटी में भारतीय और चीनी सैनिकों के बीच हालिया संघर्ष की ऊँची एड़ी के जूते पर करीब दिया गया था, जिसमें 20 भारतीय सैनिकों ने अपनी जान गंवा दी थी।
उड़ी आतंकी हमले और पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ बालाकोट हवाई हमले के बाद सशस्त्र बलों को समान वित्तीय शक्ति प्रदान की गई थी।
इस प्रक्रिया के तहत, सेना विदेशी सैन्य बिक्री प्रक्रिया के तहत अमेरिका से एक्सिसलिबुर सटीक-निर्देशित मिसाइलों के लिए आदेश देने की योजना बना रही है, जबकि नौसेना इस बार प्रक्रिया के तहत उपकरण खरीदने के लिए भी देख रही है। (एएनआई)


भारत ने अधिक SPICE-2000 बम खरीदने की योजना बनाई, बढ़ी चीन की मुसीबतें। भारत ने अधिक SPICE-2000 बम खरीदने की योजना बनाई, बढ़ी चीन की मुसीबतें। Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Friday, July 03, 2020 Rating: 5

How the dam on the Nile river became a dispute between three countries

Wednesday, July 01, 2020
The African country Ethiopia said on Saturday that it is going to start filling water in the huge dam on the Nile River soon. At the same time, Ethiopia has also said that it is also committed to ending the dispute with neighbouring countries Egypt and Sudan over river water.

The Nile River flows through Ethiopia into Egypt and Sudan. A decade ago, Ethiopia started building dams on the Nile.

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लॉकडाउन 2.0: नियम बने और भी कड़े | स्कूल, कॉलेज, सिनेमा, धार्मिक स्थल.... जाने पूरी जानकारी।

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam or GERD is Africa's largest hydroelectric project and has been a source of tension in the Nile Basin region since the beginning.

In a statement issued by Egypt and Sudan on Friday, it was said that Ethiopia has agreed not to fill the dam until the agreement is reached. But in a statement released from the office of Prime Minister AB Ahmed on Saturday, the statements of Egypt and Sudan were ignored.

Why are Egypt and Sudan afraid?

On one hand, Ethiopia says that this dam is necessary for its development.

At the same time, Egypt and Sudan fear that their share of water will be blocked in Ethiopia.

The leaders of the three countries held a phone conversation on Friday on the call of Cyril Ramaphosa, the current president of the African Union.

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भारत में 59 चीनी मोबाइल ऐप शामिल हैं जिनमें टिक्कॉक और शेयरिट शामिल हैं | India consists of 59 Chinese mobile apps including Tikkok and Shareit

After this dialogue, both Sudan and Egypt said in their statement that Ethiopia is ready to stop until the agreement to fill the water in the dam.

Ethiopia did not mention such a thing in its statement.

The statement issued by Prime Minister Karyal said, "Ethiopia will start filling water in GERD in the next two weeks, during which construction work will continue. During this time the three countries will reach final agreement on pending matters."

What other controversies are there?

Talks on the dam between the three countries began this month. The biggest topic of the dispute is how the dam will work in the event of drought and how the pending disputes will be dealt with.

News agency AFP quoted diplomatic sources as saying that the UN Security Council could discuss Monday the opposition raised by Egypt and Sudan.

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According to news agency Reuters, Egypt has tried to raise the issue with the UN Security Council to prevent Ethiopia from overflowing the dam, and the council may also hold a meeting on Monday.

Ethiopia is concerned about the interference of any foreign country in this dialogue.

In February, negotiations between the US Department of Revenue broke down in the middle. The AB government accused the US of favouring Egypt.

The chairman of the African Union Commission, Moses Faki Mohammed, said in a statement after talks between the heads of states of the three countries that 'the three leaders have agreed to the negotiation process under the leadership of the African Commission to settle the dispute'.

At the same time, the statement issued by Prime Minister AB said that "the issue of Africa should be resolved in Africa".

Nile river passes through 10 countries

In its statement issued on Saturday, the African Union stated that "90% of the disputes between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan have been settled."

Image Source: BBC

The union has also said that the three countries should not make any such statement or take any such step which can hurt the dialogue process.

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Door to door delivery idea made him the owner of 24,000 crore company

The Commission has said that a committee has been formed which will submit its report to Cyril Ramaphosa within a week.

Africa's largest river Nile passes through ten countries and is the lifeline of these countries. Apart from water, it is also an important source of electricity.

Ethiopia's GERD dam being built on the Nile has cost nearly $ 4 billion and will generate 6450 MW of electricity.

How the dam on the Nile river became a dispute between three countries How the dam on the Nile river became a dispute between three countries Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Wednesday, July 01, 2020 Rating: 5

लॉकडाउन 2.0: नियम बने और भी कड़े | स्कूल, कॉलेज, सिनेमा, धार्मिक स्थल.... जाने पूरी जानकारी।

Monday, June 29, 2020

कोरोनवायरस वायरस लाइव अपडेट: सरकार ने आज घोषणा की कि नियमन क्षेत्रों में तालाबंदी 31 जुलाई तक जारी रहेगी, क्योंकि इसने 2.0 दिशानिर्देशों का अनावरण किया था। स्कूल, कॉलेज, शैक्षणिक संस्थान और कोचिंग सेंटर, सिनेमा, धार्मिक मंदिर, जिम, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई यात्रा और मेट्रो सेवाएं जुलाई के अंत तक बंद रहेंगी।

नाइट कर्फ्यू के तहत अनलॉक 2 दिशानिर्देश | आवश्यक गतिविधियों को छोड़कर, पूरे देश में रात 10 बजे से सुबह 5 बजे के बीच व्यक्तियों की आवाजाही पूरी तरह से प्रतिबंधित रहेगी, जिसमें कई पारियों में एक औद्योगिक इकाई का संचालन, राष्ट्रीय राज्य राजमार्गों पर व्यक्तियों और सामानों की आवाजाही, कार्गो की यात्रा और लोडिंग अनलोड करना शामिल है। बसों, ट्रेनों और हवाई जहाज से उतरने के बाद अपने गंतव्य के लिए व्यक्ति।

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय यात्रा अवशेष प्रतिबंधित | गृह मंत्रालय द्वारा अनुमति के अलावा यात्रियों की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई यात्रा, नवीनतम अनलॉक 2 दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार प्रतिबंधित रहेगी।

अनलॉक 2 | प्रशिक्षण संस्थानों को केंद्र और राज्य सरकारों को 15 जुलाई से काम करने की अनुमति दी जाएगी, जिसके लिए कार्मिक और प्रशिक्षण विभाग द्वारा एसओपी जारी किया जाएगा: एमएचए के अनलॉक 2 दिशानिर्देश

स्कूल, कॉलेज, शैक्षणिक संस्थान 31 जुलाई तक बंद रहेंगे। ऑनलाइन / दूरस्थ शिक्षा की अनुमति जारी रहेगी और इसे प्रोत्साहित किया जाएगा: गृह मंत्रालय 'अनलॉक 2'

मेट्रो, जिम और सिनेमा हॉल और सभी धार्मिक स्थान इस अनलॉक 2.O के दौरान बंद रहेंगे


Coronavirus virus live update: schools, colleges, cinemas, religious shrines will remain closed till 31 July as center announces 2.0 guidelines

Coronavirus virus live update: The government announced today that the lockout in regulated areas would continue until July 31, as it unveiled the 2.0 guidelines. Schools, colleges, educational institutions and coaching centers, cinema, religious temples, gyms, international air travel and metro services will remain closed till the end of July.

Unlock 2 Guidelines Under Night Curfew | Except for necessary activities, movement of persons will be completely restricted from 10 am to 5 am throughout the country, including the operation of an industrial unit across multiple shifts, movement of persons and goods on national state highways, travel of cargo and Unloading loading is included. Person to his destination after landing by buses, trains and airplanes.

International Travel Remains Banned | International air travel of passengers, except as permitted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, will be restricted as per the latest Unlock 2 guidelines.

Unlock 2 | Training institutes will be allowed to operate from 15 July to the central and state governments, for which the SOP will be issued by the Department of Personnel and Training: Unlock 2 Guidelines of MHA

Schools, colleges, educational institutions will remain closed till 31 July. Permission for online / distance education will continue and will be encouraged: Ministry of Home Affairs 'Unlock 2'

Metro, gym and cinema hall and all religious places will remain closed during this unlock 2.O.
लॉकडाउन 2.0: नियम बने और भी कड़े | स्कूल, कॉलेज, सिनेमा, धार्मिक स्थल.... जाने पूरी जानकारी। लॉकडाउन 2.0:  नियम बने और भी कड़े | स्कूल, कॉलेज, सिनेमा, धार्मिक स्थल.... जाने पूरी जानकारी। Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Monday, June 29, 2020 Rating: 5

भारत में 59 चीनी मोबाइल ऐप शामिल हैं जिनमें टिक्कॉक और शेयरिट शामिल हैं | India consists of 59 Chinese mobile apps including Tikkok and Shareit

Monday, June 29, 2020
सरकार ने कहा कि उसने 59 चीनी मोबाइल ऐप पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है, जो भारत की संप्रभुता और अखंडता, भारत की रक्षा, राज्य की सुरक्षा और सार्वजनिक व्यवस्था के लिए पूर्वाग्रहपूर्ण हैं।

प्रतिबंधित मोबाइल ऐप में वीडियो-शेयरिंग सोशल नेटवर्किंग ऐप टिक टोक, यूसी ब्राउज़र और फ़ाइल शेयरिंग ऐप शेयरिट, वीचैट आदि हैं।

सरकार ने कहा कि उसने 59 ऐप पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है "जो भारत की संप्रभुता और अखंडता, भारत की रक्षा, राज्य की सुरक्षा और सार्वजनिक व्यवस्था के लिए पूर्वाग्रही हैं"।

लद्दाख की गैलवान घाटी में झड़प ने चीनी उत्पादों के बहिष्कार और ऐप्स पर बहस छेड़ दी थी। कुछ जगहों पर लोगों ने विरोध प्रदर्शन किया, सरकार से चीनी सामान के आयात पर प्रतिबंध लगाने की मांग की।

केंद्रीय मंत्री रामदास अठावले ने 20 जून को चीन को आर्थिक रूप से प्रभावित करने के लिए TikTok पर प्रतिबंध लगाने का आह्वान किया था। उन्होंने दावा किया था कि 15 करोड़ भारतीय चीनी ऐप का इस्तेमाल करते हैं और यह देश इससे लाभ में करोड़ों कमाता है।

रामदास अठावले ने ट्वीट किया, "भारत में बैन चीनी वीडियो ऐप टिक्कॉक। भारत के 15 करोड़ लोग टिक्कॉक का इस्तेमाल करते हैं, जिससे चीन को करोड़ों का लाभ होता है। चीन को आर्थिक रूप से प्रभावित करने के लिए टिक्टॉक को रोकें! मैं विनम्रतापूर्वक सभी भारतीयों से टिक्कॉक का बहिष्कार करने का अनुरोध करता हूं," रामदास अठावले ने ट्वीट किया था।

India consists of 59 Chinese mobile apps including Tikkok and Shareit

The government said it has banned 59 Chinese mobile apps, which are prejudicial to India's sovereignty and integrity, India's defence, state security and public order.

Restricted mobile apps include video-sharing social networking apps Tik Tok, UC Browser and file sharing app Sharit, WeChat and more.

The government said that it has banned 59 apps "which are precursors to India's sovereignty and integrity, defence of India, the security of the state and public order".

The skirmish in the Galvan Valley of Ladakh sparked a debate over the boycott of Chinese products and apps. In some places people protested, demanding the government to ban the import of Chinese goods.

On 20 June, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale called for a ban on TikTok to financially affect China. He claimed that 150 million Indians use the Chinese app and that the country earns crores in profits from it.

"Ban Chinese video app TikTok in India. 150 million people in India use TikTok, which benefits China for crores. Stop Pittock to influence China financially! I humbly I request all Indians to boycott Tikkok” Ramdas Athawale tweeted.
भारत में 59 चीनी मोबाइल ऐप शामिल हैं जिनमें टिक्कॉक और शेयरिट शामिल हैं | India consists of 59 Chinese mobile apps including Tikkok and Shareit भारत में 59 चीनी मोबाइल ऐप शामिल हैं जिनमें टिक्कॉक और शेयरिट शामिल हैं | India consists of 59 Chinese mobile apps including Tikkok and Shareit Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Monday, June 29, 2020 Rating: 5

Door to door delivery idea made him the owner of 24,000 crore company

Monday, June 22, 2020
Every person has a desire to do whatever he/she does according to his / her interest and to succeed in it. In recent years, many entrepreneurs have emerged from the younger generation of India. Instead of working in a company, these young people started writing their own company and wrote new success stories showing interest in providing employment for others.

Today's story is also that of a young entrepreneur, who decided to leave the thick salary job in the US and return home and use technology to lay the foundation of a company which was really needed. And today they are a successful IT businessman of the country with a business in crores of crores.

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A personality who built a company of zero to 250 crores by beating bankruptcy

This is the story of Albinder Dhindsa, the founder of the country's premier delivery startup Raised in a middle-class family in Patiala, Punjab, Alibinder passed the IIT examination after receiving her schooling.

After successfully pursuing an engineering degree from IIT Delhi, he started his career in 2005 as a Transportation Analyst at URS Corporation in the US. After working for some time, he returned to India after studying an MBA. Here he made a fresh start to his career with Believed to have started her own startup since college days, Albinder was looking for a job as well as a business opportunity.

While working in the US, he realized a big gap in the delivery industry. He observed that the transaction between the buyer and the shopkeeper in the hyper-local space was very complex and disorganized. He saw a big business opportunity in this area.

During this time he met one of his friends Saurabh Kumar. When they discussed this gap with Saurabh, both of them realized that there is a big business opportunity in it which should not be allowed to go by hand. Together, both of them started doing the research behind this idea. In the same sequence, during a conversation with the local pharmacy businessman, he found that they carry 50-60 home deliveries in the area of   three to four kilometres.

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In the absence of infrastructure, the delivery system was emerging as a major problem at that time. They decided to create a platform that would be beneficial for the shopkeeper as well as the buyer and could reduce the market gap, without losing any time. And with this thought 'One Number' started.

He started by providing on-demand pick-up and drop-off service for customers from a pharmacy, grocery and restaurant located in close proximity to the home. While working for a few months, he found that 90 per cent of the total audience was coming from grocery and pharmacy. Then he changed his model, focusing on these two sectors, and rebranded the company as Grofers.

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Door to door delivery idea made him the owner of 24,000 crore company Door to door delivery idea made him the owner of 24,000 crore company Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Monday, June 22, 2020 Rating: 5

A personality who built a company of zero to 250 crores by beating bankruptcy

Saturday, June 20, 2020
Although this story is from a veteran IT entrepreneur of the country, you will be surprised to know that despite owning a company worth crores of rupees, they will be seen cycling on the streets of Bangalore. Believing simple living and high thinking, this man faced countless struggles to achieve success in business. The story of this man who built a company of zero to 250 crores by defeating bankruptcy and not giving up is very inspiring.

We are talking about the success of Sridhar Pinnapureddy, who laid the foundation stone of a Tier 4 data centre called CTRLS. Hailing from a middle-class family in Hyderabad, Sridhar had a keen interest in computers since school. At that time, he had made up his mind to succeed in the field of information technology. In order to become a successful IT entrepreneur, there were many ups and downs in Sridhar's life, but he never let his inner confidence end.

In 2001, he started his career as an Internet service provider. After working for a few years, he started losing business. Despite the terrible losses he paid all the people and upheld his faith towards the people. Not only this, even in such an odd situation, but he also kept himself and decided to do something new from scratch.

In 2006, after much deliberation, Sridhar talked about the idea of ​​a Tier 4 data centre with his team. At that time the technical team had raised their hands and investors were also against investing in data centre business. At that time there was a lot of challenges regarding the maintenance of difficult applications, they believed that these problems could go ahead. Despite this, Sridhar stepped towards this because he knew that it was the future.

Moving on with his idea, he founded CTRLS in 2008. The decision to go against the investors cost him dearly and almost all the big investors left him. However, Sridhar did not lose courage and went on working. In 2013, attracting the attention of investors once again with his work, Sridhar reassured all the investors who had left him.

CTRL is a platform where corporate and banks are provided with their customized services. Through hardware and software, the company takes responsibility for handling and securing its client's data centre. He has done many of the big companies of the world as his client.

CTRL is today providing satisfactory services to more than 2 thousand customers in the country and the world. CTRL is today competing with global giants like Google, Amazon AWS, and Facebook by providing better facilities for less money. The company's market valuation is over Rs 250 crore.

Sridhar believes that whatever business idea is coming to your mind, there is a need to move forward with it. Starting a business may have to face a lot of ups and downs, but you never have to let go of your strong will.
A personality who built a company of zero to 250 crores by beating bankruptcy A personality who built a company of zero to 250 crores by beating bankruptcy Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Saturday, June 20, 2020 Rating: 5

Will solar eclipse mark the end of 2020 coronavirus?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
 A scientist in Chennai has claimed that the outbreak of COVID-19 is related to the solar eclipse on December 26 last year.

Source: ANI and One India

Nuclear and Earth Scientist Drs. KL Sundar Krishna believes that due to the fission energy emitted after a solar eclipse, the coronavirus has broken down after a mutated particle interaction of the first neutron.

Speaking to ANI, the scientist said, "Since December 2019, coronaviruses have come to destroy our lives. According to my understanding, after December 26, the solar system has a planetary configuration with the new alignment, When the last solar eclipse occurred. "

"The virus has originated from the upper atmosphere due to inter-planetary force variations, a new alignment in which Earth has created a favourable environment. For the first neutrons (no charge in nature), most of the fission is coming out of the energy. The sun. From, '' he said.

"They may have initiated nuclei (nucleus formation) with foreign absorbing material that may have been a nucleus of biomolecules, a biomolecular interaction occurred in the upper atmosphere. Mutation of biomolecular structure (protein) may be a possible source. Virus, ”Sundara Krishna elaborated this further.

They believe that the upcoming solar eclipse 2020 may prove to be a turning point and make coronavirus dormant.

Krishna also claimed that this is a natural process and hence there is no need to panic people. They believe that sunlight and solar eclipse will be a natural cure for the virus.

Krishna said, "We need not panic because it is a natural process occurring in the planetary configuration. Sun and solar eclipse will be the natural treatment of this virus."
Will solar eclipse mark the end of 2020 coronavirus? Will solar eclipse mark the end of 2020 coronavirus? Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 Rating: 5

Stay Home Stay Empowered: This is the best time for technology-based innovation and startup

Monday, June 08, 2020

At present, while there are many difficulties in the industry, many new opportunities are also coming out. After the lockdown, many new things have emerged in the digital world. Along with career prospects in these fields, opportunities for entrepreneurship have also increased. In this era, how to open startups, NASSCOM COE-IOT is working in this direction.

We talked to Ankur Gupta, Principal Secretary (Department of Information Technology Electronics and Communication) and Sanjiv Malhotra, CEO of NASSCOM COE-IOT, about how he could open a new path of growth in the future.

IoT and Artificial Intelligence

Sanjiv Malhotra says that IOT and Artificial Intelligence will open new opportunities for employment with startups in the future. It will serve as a growth engine for industry and economy. IoT does not focus on just one industry, but it is very useful for different domains and industries. As a NASSCOM COE, we work with the industry and know what their needs are. We are taking Startup as a solution to them. The advantage of this is that the startup gets the job done and the industry problem is solved.

Also Read: What happened to these 13 Indian mobile manufacturers?

He says that NASSCOM's Center of Excellence works closely with the industry. The project was initiated by NASSCOM COE in association with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (METI). We had set up a lab. A startup does not have funds for equipment and measurement, so we set it up in the lab. The government took it forward with a good response. We connect startups to funding organizations, connect to a technology network and then connect customers. 

People's mindset about digital has changed, as well as the need has increased, which will give a boost to technology in the coming times. Together with Meti and the Government of Haryana, we have opened NASSCOM COE-IOT in Karnataka, Ahmedabad in association with Meti and Government of Karnataka in Haryana. Going to open it in Andhra Pradesh too.

You can understand this with an example, as people wear fitness bands, it is monitored throughout the day. AI-based X-rays are coming in some places. At present, according to the rule, the opinion of the doctor is necessary. In addition, the entire cab process is handled by the server in the aggregator cab service.

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Haryana's Principal Secretary (Department of Information-Technology Electronics and Communication) Ankur Gupta says that the Haryana government is continuously working on an innovative idea, independent thinking, etc. in the state. She is constantly helping startups. We have opened incubation centers at seven universities in the state. Each university is given a grant of three million for this. We have started a portal with various stakeholder startups, incubators, industry, etc.

A United Nations Technology Innovation Lab has also been set up, through which women entrepreneurs will be encouraged. The Government of Haryana and NASSCOM COE-IOT are working together to solve the problem of the start-up. It has world-class facilities such as three-D printers, power analyzers, testing equipment, etc. Apart from this, we keep doing in-depth sessions, funding and technical sessions, etc. for market information.

Make in India demand

Sanjeev says that technologically is going to be very important in the coming time. We have been continuously implementing this technology and innovation in NASSCOM COE-IOT for some time now. Startups will bring out bigger products, which will have drawbacks, they will be improved by improving. This will also increase Make in India products. We introduce these startups to companies, whether the company is from India or outside. Many times companies also like these products.

Many companies have started using these startups. We are bringing such solutions in the industry, which are effective and of reasonable price. Make in India products will have flexibility. We are serving two objectives, one is Make in India and one is Digital India. Our main job is to promote innovation. We have also been successful to a great extent in this work.

Also Read: Mobile Phone Repair Tips: If your phone also hangs, get rid of this problem through these tips

With the increase in innovation, employment prospects will also increase in the country. Our aim is to see India as an innovation destination. It should be made a consumer economy. So that we can sell our products and new experiments to outside countries too. He says that I know of some solutions which were made by small companies and adopted by hospitals.

It is our endeavor to provide health care, manufacturing, retail solutions such that companies become globally competitive. Ankur Gupta, Principal Secretary (Department of Information Technology Electronics and Communication), Haryana, says NASSCOM COE IOT is working with the state government to take the products made by the startup to the people and industry. It provides a platform for these startups as well as encourages them. We also organized a three-month virtual mentorship workshop series during COVID.

How-to startup

Nasscom COE-IOT CEO Sanjeev Malhotra says that before starting a startup, keep these things in mind-


If you are starting a startup, then see what its value is, what problem is going to be solved. See also where it is needed.

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Experience in Industry:

Be sure to get experience in the industry before starting a startup. Three to four years of experience are also very important. With this, you can increase your knowledge. Also, check your skills, for example, I belong to marketing and have knowledge of engineering. For example, if you are a mechanical engineer, then you should also have practical knowledge of computer science. You can find it in the company.

Mentor and Idea:

Make sure the preparation is done before starting the startup. Choose a better, knowledgeable mentor. Assess a good idea that suits the market needs.

financial situation

Also check your financial status, as it takes some time for the startup to run fully. Assess its financial condition. For example, he can extract his price.

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Risk Potential:

How much passion do you have to work, how much ability to take a risk. Before opening the startup, make sure to assess it. It is better to take risks at an early age.

For more daily news updates stay connect with us, must follow us on Twitter LinkedInFacebook, Whatsapp, etc

Stay Home Stay Empowered: This is the best time for technology-based innovation and startup Stay Home Stay Empowered: This is the best time for technology-based innovation and startup Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Monday, June 08, 2020 Rating: 5

What happened to these 13 Indian mobile manufacturers?

Saturday, June 06, 2020
  • Ever since people came to know that the relationship of Coronavirus with China, Indian people have as if waged a war against China.
  • Has started an initiative to boycott all mobile phone manufacturers
  • Today, from the Internet, even in life, we are seeing that there is anger among Indian people about Chinese smartphones or any type of China-related goods.

We have now come to an era where we are getting signs of living with Corona, in fact, in the last few months, the world has suffered so much financially that we are seeing that in all the way like India now The lockdown is being removed from other countries as well, it seems that until now there is no strong treatment of this disease i.e. Coronavirus Covid-19, then we should be careful with it and live with it. Will have to learn. Seeing Unlock-1 in the country, there are some similar signs.
Apart from this, ever since people came to know that the relationship of Coronavirus to China, Indian people have started a war against China, and have started an initiative to boycott all the mobile phone manufacturers.

Today, from the Internet, even in life, we are seeing that there is anger among the Indian people about Chinese smartphones or any kind of China-related goods.

What happened to these 13 Indian mobile manufacturers? What happened to these 13 Indian mobile manufacturers? Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Saturday, June 06, 2020 Rating: 5

Mobile Phone Repair Tips: If your phone also hangs, get rid of this problem through these tips

Thursday, June 04, 2020
The problem of smartphone hangings has become very common. New phones also start hanging. Today we will tell you some important tips with the help of which you can save the phone from hanging.


Mobile phones have become an important part of our life nowadays. We need a mobile phone for everything. But the difficulty increases when the phone hangs while doing some important work. Smartphones can be saved from hanging with the help of some tips. Today we will tell you similar tips. After which your phone will not hang.

To save your phone from hang, the most important thing is to keep at least apps on your phone. Only keep the applications that you need on the phone. Due to more apps on the phone, the phone hangs or works very slowly.

The way to save the phone from hanging
  • For this, you have to go to the Google Play stores on the phone. After this, click on the three dots made in it.
  • After clicking on it, go to Settings and click on the Auto-update option.
  • After this, you will see three options. From there, you have to click on Do not auto-update app.
  • By doing this, the apps on your phone will not be automatically updated when you do and only then will the phone be saved from hanging.

Mobile Phone Repair Tips: If your phone also hangs, get rid of this problem through these tips Mobile Phone Repair Tips: If your phone also hangs, get rid of this problem through these tips Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Thursday, June 04, 2020 Rating: 5

Dragon capsule orbits towards space station

Monday, June 01, 2020
The United States opened a new chapter in its grand adventure into space on Saturday, when a SpaceX rocket was flown from the Kennedy Space Center, orbiting two astronauts for the first time in nearly a decade from United States soil. Took it into .


It was a historic moment for SpaceX, becoming the first private corporation to launch people into orbit, and for NASA, which struggled to gain a foothold after retiring the Space Shuttle in 2011, pushing the US over Russia There was no option but to trust. It flew into space for $ 90 million per seat to its astronauts.

Dragon capsule orbits towards space station Dragon capsule orbits towards space station Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Monday, June 01, 2020 Rating: 5

5G PICO base list growing market with latest market technology, new identity, top leading players - HUAWEI, ERICSON, NOKIA, ZTE, Samsung, NEC

Sunday, May 31, 2020
The 5G Pico Base Station market is projected to record a global CAGR of AAA% during the forecast period 2019-2025. By the end of the forecast period, the estimated market share in North America, SEA and other APAC and Eastern Europe regions is estimated at xx%.

AMR addresses key insights on 5G Pico base station station in its report on 5G Pico base station station, out of segments of 5G Pico base station market, software components register the largest growth in 5G Pico base station market Is expected to do.

According to the study, the Global 5G Pico Base Station market is projected to reach xxx million USD in 2020 and grow at a CAGR of xx% during 2021-2026. The report analyzes the global 5G Pico Base Station market, market size and development, as well as key market participants.

5G PICO base list growing market with latest market technology, new identity, top leading players - HUAWEI, ERICSON, NOKIA, ZTE, Samsung, NEC 5G PICO base list growing market with latest market technology, new identity, top leading players - HUAWEI, ERICSON, NOKIA, ZTE, Samsung, NEC Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Sunday, May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

Now your mobile number will be 11 digits, know details TRAI suggested

Saturday, May 30, 2020
TRAI has moved a resolution on Friday. In this proposal, it is suggested to use the mobile number of 11 digits in the country. TRAI believes that by doing this the capacity of mobile number in the country will increase to 1000 crores.

Now your mobile number can be 11 digits. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has moved a proposal on Friday. In this proposal, TRAI has suggested to use 11 digit mobile number in the country. According to TRAI, if you replace 10-digit mobile number with 11-digit mobile number, more numbers will be available in the country.

Mobile number capacity will increase to 1 thousand crore in the country
In its proposal in TRAI, if the first digit of the mobile number is kept to 9, then switching to the mobile number of 10 to 11 digits will create a total capacity of 10 billion (1000 crore) numbers in the country. TRAI further said that 70 per cent utilization and up to 700 crore connections with the existing policy is enough.

When calling, you have to put '0' in front of the number.
Apart from this, TRAI has also proposed to put '0' in front of the mobile number while calling from the fixed line. For now, for inter-service area mobile calls with fixed line connection, the number '0' is required to be placed at the beginning. However, mobile numbers can also be accessed from the landline without initially adding zero. TRAI said that all free sub-levels at level 2, 3, 4 and 6 can be used as mobile numbers if it is mandatory to apply zero to call mobiles from the fixed network.

A new national numbering plan will come
Apart from this, it has also suggested a new national numbering plan, which is to be made available as soon as possible. In addition, TRAI has also talked about increasing the mobile number used for dongles from 10 digits to 13 digits.
Now your mobile number will be 11 digits, know details TRAI suggested Now your mobile number will be 11 digits, know details TRAI suggested Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Saturday, May 30, 2020 Rating: 5
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