Increasing public healthcare during Covid-19

A virus has shaken everything from political belief systems to public healthcare infrastructure. The Global West, champions of the free market and privatization, are reconsidering large investments in public healthcare, while low-middle-income countries are struggling to cope.

Image source: Science

Public health systems around the world have been on the wane due to epidemic pressure. The main reason for this is the privatization of healthcare and the lack of regulation of medical costs.

According to the WHO report, in 2019, healthcare spending in low- and middle-income countries, including India, increased by 66% between 2000 and 2017. In real life, the person retiring in 2017 will have. Beyond their savings and insurance cover, health had to pay about 50% more.

Interestingly enough, while most government hospitals in India have purchased high-end equipment, they have invested close to nothing in attracting human resources. This particularly applies to the affiliated staff- nurses, paramedics and sanitary staff. Most of them are hired on a contract basis and have no protection from occupational hazards.

It all snowballed into a global crisis. France is among the first countries to recognize it. It has called for major health reform, including a pay revision for doctors and nurses and an additional bonus. In addition, France has strict rules that limit employees' working hours to seven per day. In the US, the Landmark Affordable Care Act — known as Obamacare — was introduced nearly a decade ago.

With the Act, the country's uninfected population fell from 16.7% in 2010 to a record low of 10.9% in 2016. According to President Donald Trump, who called the act 'really poor healthcare', it reached back to 13 %. Now, most Americans are calling for 100% insurance coverage.

It is time that India increases its investment in public healthcare. A strong public system will automatically reduce the cost of private healthcare. A healthy competition between the public and private sectors is the need of the hour.
Increasing public healthcare during Covid-19 Increasing public healthcare during Covid-19 Reviewed by Aapka Guide on Thursday, May 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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